Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tips for a flatter stomach :)

This is me 3 years ago, sure I wasn't the biggest person but I was sooo out of shape and so very much in need of a flatter stomach!! So here are some awesome tips on what I have done over the years to help get to where I am today!

As we all know, its our life long goal to have that flat hard stomach and look our best all year round!! But there is always that stubborn belly fat that never wants to go matter what!! Well let me share a few tips and tricks on helping you get that flat stomach you've always worked so hard for!!

For starters, this isn't going to be a magical trick that bam over night you are looking like a model, it takes time and you are going to have to get sweaty! Remember if you look good after your gym work then you didn't work hard enough!!

1. Don't skip breakfast!! Most important meal of the day, you need those calories to jump start your body and help your metabolism get going!

2. Drink a glass of water before each meal!

3. Don't skip meals!

4. Eat 5-6 small meals a day

5. Cut out any sugary drinks! Water is your best friend, so drink on up all day long!!

6. Eat slowly, this isn't a race! Take your time, if you have issues with over eating pacing yourself will go a long way!

7. Posture!! Always sit up straight and hold in that core!! That is one of the worst problems is remembering to sit up and hold in that core!

8. Do cardio 30-60 minutes at least 3-4 times a week!! You need cardio to help burn fat, so mix cardio in with your weight training :)

9. Cut out sweets, sugar can be your worst enemy when it comes to belly fat!

10. Reduce your salt, too much salt can cause swelling!

11. Cut down your alcohol intake!! Drinking too much can get you that "beer belly" and not the type of 6 pack you want!!

12. Avoid fast food!! Most fast food places are full of sodium and processed foods, if you have a craving for something make it at home!

13. Cut down your wheat intake! I know whole grain wheat is good for you, but it is always the number one cause of excess belly fat!! Try going gluten free for a few days of the week, I can almost bet you will see a difference!

14. Color your plate!! Remember you need lots of veggies and fruits along side your protein!

15. Avoid stress- may be hard but if you start to stress over something go for bike ride or a run or a walk! It will help ease the stress!!

16. Get 7-8 hours a sleep each night. You won't believe how much better you feel with a well rested body!

17. Don't starve yourself!!!! I cannot stress this one enough- you will end up losing muscle and gaining fat because your body will store any food it gets!! Remember to eat every 2-4 hours people!

18. Don't isolate your stomach! Remember you cannot just do crunches and think you will be okay! You need full body weight training along with cardio!!

19. Abs are made in the kitchen! Ever heard this phrase?! Well its true, you can workout all day long but if you are eating junk you are not helping your stomach one bit!! Eat a healthy well balanced meal!

20. Enrich your diet with fiber :)

21. Planks!! We all hate them but they do wonders for a stomach- if you can only hold it for a few seconds work your way up! Remember quantity over quality!

22. Super fruits and veggies! Make sure you are taking those wonderful super fruit and veggies to help :)

23. Swim!

24. Run! Running is one of the best ab workouts you can do, as long as you are doing it correctly :)

25. Avoid diet pill fads! There is no cure all magic pill that "melts" away fat! You need to work for it! But I promise when you are done it will all be worth it!!

Well ladies and gents, here you are! Just a few tips to help you get closer to that flat lean stomach you've always been wanting!! Do not give up, you can do it!! Until next time..

"Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed," he said. "Peace! Be strong now; be strong." When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, "Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength."
Daniel 10:19 


Good morning all!! I know it has been just at 2 months since my last blog!! I apologize it has been a very busy and hectic two months!! Where do I begin..

Well for starters we moved out of our house in NC and packed everything in storage! Jake will be starting recruiting school in July- for now we are apart! I am down in Georgia with family and he is busy up in NC still staying with friends. I am so excited because I am heading back up this weekend to see him before he goes off to Cali for the remaining summer. My little sister Brittany will be spending a week with us once I get there, pretty excited to see her!

In other news, Jake just spent the last week an a half in Baltimore, MD on the USS San Antonio for fleet week! While he may not of enjoyed his static display at times, it sounds like he had a good time up there! Little jealous because I've never been haha! Meanwhile, I have been training a great friend down here in GA and sad to leave but excited to start training more clients again back in NC! I will be staying in NC the remaining part of the summer with friends, so I can focus more on working and getting in beach time of course :)

Well, that sums up whats been going on..oh I should mention since my last post Jake and I ran a 12 mile mud run with some friends, I ran a 5 mile mud run on Stone Bay with a gal from bible study and I just ran the Never Quit Never 5k down in Jacksonville, FL with some awesome friends! I will post more on the races later this week!!

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."2 Chronicles 15:7 
The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38